15 million years later, mammals are the first to rise dominant. The Life Seed charging the soil provides battery power necessary to spark life which grows before their eyes. Archangel orders McCoy to walk him through the process.ģ0 million years of evolution will pass in the confines of Tabula Rasa while only 24 hours pass within the World. In the World, Dark Beast and Archangel excitedly watch as it begins. If it ain’t sister fancy-ass done and threw him three miles from the sky! he leers. She uses the chance to run outside and straight into the AoA Blob. She orders them to feast on Psylocke, but leave her alive! Betsy grabs her parasol and stuffs it into Pestilence’s mouth. A stream of insects is loosed from Pestilence’s mouth. And her contribution to feminism in general. There is strength in knowing one’s place.įrom her used plate, Betsy grabs the knife and attacks the other woman, thanking her for suppressing the stereotype. No relationship can work without one dominant and one submissive.

In Akkaba, Pestilence explains that obedience isn’t a negative attribute. He orders Genocide to plug into the moment-engine and he will open the World. Time here will remain consistent with their place in the universe. McCoy explains they are entering a chamber protected by a membrane of true time and these birds consume any artificial time that seeps in. Genocide asks if they will age and die too. In a hidden part of the World, Fantomex’ ally, Ultimaton, watches the intruders but doesn’t leave the laboratory, he is intent on protecting the experiment. That’s when things get interesting, and it all awaits them behind that door. They fly towards a statue in whose eye is a locked door. They will simply open the World and fast forward to view a new frame within a radius of their choosing. His calculations are flawless, Dark Beast assures him. And they are sure these time engines are powerful enough to affect the world outside? Archangel asks. They will just use a dash of its energies and the World’s time manipulation engines are good for several uses. It would take seeding an entire planet to drain it completely, McCoy assures him. As they begin to enter, Archangel asks if this experiment won’t spend the Life Seed. In Tabula Rasa, the artificial environment of the World is enlarged. Pestilence continues undeterred that he is the architect of their future. Sounds like the sort of cultish nonsense a brainwash victim spews out to rationalize evil, Betsy remarks. In Akkaba, Pestilence assures Betsy how fortunate she is to have drawn his eye. Is he ready for the next step? He orders Death to enlarge the World. He’s assuring Genocide he is making them all very proud. To write upon with their own evolution, McCoy adds and plants the Life Seed in the ground.

Tabula Rasa, as promised, Archangel agrees.

All preparations meet with his exact specifications. If that’s the case, Betsy asks, why does she feel like something terrible is happening?Īt the site of what used to be the small town of Beaver Lake before Genocide obliterated it, stand Archangel, Genocide, the Dark Beast and the rest of the Final Horsemen. Undeterred, Pestilence continues he loves Psylocke. Betsy informs her she sounds super-crazy. He will bring about a healthy world where they will be queens and kings. Her jailer, Pestilence, a woman dressed like a geisha, assures her he – referring to Archangel – has a beautiful dream. Akkaba Metropolis, deep under the North Pole.